"I Feel Soo...Unnecessary"【電子書籍】[ David Washington ]


<p>"I feel so, I don't know, soo...unnecessary!" Corey's anguished words are an all too familiar refrain in the hearts of some young people today. The causes vary and perhaps most often simply reflect the challenge of growing up in a rapidly changing world in which it can be difficult to find one's place. In Corey's case they come against a backdrop of a badly dysfunctional family, and the traumatizing events related in The Teardrop, an earlier story in this Kenroy series. He clearly has not found the emotional stability to move beyond those events and is somewhat rudderless in trying to identify and navigate a way forward as he faces his impending graduation from high school. Kenroy, his 'designated friend', does his best to be there for him and offers some 'inspired' advice. Bibliotherapy goals targeted for this story include: overcoming feelings of isolation, developing a balanced self-assessment, increasing willingness to communicate/ being a good listener, and enhancing awareness of the search for meaning.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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